Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Smell Before Rain

"If you lived here, you'd be home now."

This is our new place! Isn't it cute? We're renting just the first floor, it's a duplex. It's an old 18th century home full of all kinds of charm. Oh, and that's my little red car, too!

Our entrance is on the side of the house in the alley. I decided to decorate the wall, make it feel like home :) I wasn't sure about posting my address here, but I figure why not. You can all send me letters. Hah.

Ryan chalking some street art

Doesn't the chalk dust look cool on the spider web and ivy

Finished piece

Our chalk alley. The neighbors liked it :)
Boyfriend's Hendrix Tee - perfect for moving days

The Artist

un-intentional but super cute
Captain seems to like it here

Ryan's Nephew
 Ryan's Mom and sister only live a few blocks away from us so we get to spend a lot more time with them and Ryan's nephew, Sean. On this particular day, it was his first visit to the new place. He said he really liked it a lot. His favorite part was the pizza shop around the corner, which we walked to. He ate 3 slices! He also liked our chalk walk, which he added to with his own rendition of Optimis Prime.

Got a feather extension during a "Ladies Night" hosted by a local shop

I've been collecting beer bottles and making them into vases for flowers Ryan picks me. Told him I need a green one next. Captain likes them, too. *note the growing chalk wall :)

I really enjoy recycling old containers like bottles, cans, etc. and re-using them as vases or planters. I've been looking into a lot of DIY projects recently to decorate the new place. Photos and tutorials to come!

Settling in
Just a small preview here on how I'm decorating. I'm trying to stick to the time period of the home, using all vintage, antique finds. The lamp and dresser were both given to me by my Grandmother who recently downsized to a smaller home. The record player belongs to our roommate, his most valuable addition to the place. Haha. The painting, yet to be hung, is a college project my mother did in college. I love it.

Random Tumblr find of the day:


She has returned!

Horray for internet! Sorry it has been a while since my last post. We moved into our new apartment! The other day our neighbors upstairs hooked us up with their wi-fi password until we get set up. Isn't that so nice of them!? I love it here so much, the area is so rich with history and culture. The main street is always buzzing, there's so much to do. There's a bunch of independently owned stores and restaurants to check out. So many blog opportunities! I'll doing an apartment tour once everything is decorated and in the mean time I'm thinking of doing a neighborhood tour! I really love my new home and I can't wait to share it. I've taken a million photos already so stay tuned!

Upcoming blog posts:
The lost pictures from my night photo shoot.
The lost pictures from the day at the creek.
A tour of Historic Bristol Borough and Mill St.
A haul from the local thrift store, Groovy Used.
An apartment tour.
Some DIY and decorating tips.
... and so much more.

Can you handle any more good news? Brace yourself... I got a new job! Yay! After a long series of interviews and many anxious days in between, I was hired as a teller at Wells Fargo Bank. I'm very excited, this new position is very sought after and will help make mine and my boyfriend's lives so much easier. Starting in August, I have two weeks of training then I'm officially the cutest teller at Wells Fargo! There are so many different aspects of the job that I am looking forward to, one being NO UNIFORM! Imagine that! I have never held a position where I had to dress "business casual." I'm a little lost on where to start. How do I dress professionally while still being fashionable? I don't want to over-do-it and stand out too much, but I don't want to be Cathy Lee Casual! (haha Zoolander reference)

I've been searching the blog world as well as Chictopia for inspiration and I've collected a few key pieces that I definitely want to make part of my new wardrobe. I've included a few inspirational photos as well.

*problem with cute sleeveless tops like this is that I have large tattoos on my arms. I'll to get a large supply of cardigans... on second thought, I see no problem here :)


Whew! I've gotta start shopping.